Blog Geeks Geeky Gag of the Day by|Published August 22, 2010 “Inception explained for Mac users.” The pinwheel wouldn’t stop spinning so I Force Quit myself awake.
Published January 29, 2015 Apology of the Day: Comcast Sorry for Changing Subscriber’s Name to A-Hole Here’s yet another reason to join the cord-cutting revolution. A man in Spokane, Washington was surprised to find out that Comcast had […]
Published August 24, 2010 Presidential Prank of the Day President Obama pranks Trip Director Marvin Nicholson by placing his toe on the scale while the latter weighs himself in the volleyball […]
Published September 26, 2011 Early Bird Special Mondays suck — so here’s slo-mo footage of a guy getting hit in the face with a water balloon that doesn’t explode.
Published February 17, 2011 OMG! Adorbz of the Day The single most aw-inducing toddler Taekwondo match you will witness today, guaranteed.