Blog DIY of the Day by|Published February 4, 2011 Redditor ozzzzzz22 crocheted himself a Viking Beard Hat. And it’s awesome. Once they have been written, step-by-step instructions will be posted here.
Published June 12, 2012 Skrillex Cover of the Day A Dutch choir does Skrillex’s “Bangarang” a cappella style. Brillz. [thanks, nick!]
Published May 1, 2012 Howling Dog of the Day Ellie the Pomeranian puppy clearly thinks she is a wolf.
Published January 9, 2011 Internet National Anthem of the Day Lynnea Malley sets your feelings on Facebook to music in the maddeningly-relatable “Facebook Song.” Also: *pop*
Published September 21, 2011 Incredible Invention of the Day “Crumbs left over from an Oreo package should never go to waste,” say Miami Ad School students Michael Malz, Jacob Gale, Kelly […]