Videos Supercut of the Day by|Published November 4, 2011 YouTuber mewlists, who has given us the 25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes and the 50 Trippiest Drug Hallucinations in Films, returns to tackle the 100 Greatest Shut Ups in Films in his latest NSFW supercut.
Published December 10, 2010 This Is Informative, You Should Watch It of the Day Mathematical! of the Day: Computers, Ancient Egyptians — same difference.
Published September 22, 2010 Conspiracy Theory of the Day Kettle Chips and juice boxes making Americans gay? So says Alex Jones — the world’s foremost authority on tin-foil hats.
Published October 25, 2011 What’s In A Wes of the Day Ross Everett, Dave Gullman, Frank Muniz, and Will Goldstein imagine what it might look like if the Wes behind Screamwas Anderson rather than Craven.
Published November 16, 2010 Slight Overreaction of the Day Cornell’s Professor Talbert will not tolerate yawning in his classroom. And by “will not tolerate” I mean “will bite off your head […]