Blog Videos OMG! Adorbz of the Day by|Published October 13, 2011 A finicky flower girl tries to prevent the pastor from spoiling the wedding the ceremony with his incessant talking.
Published December 26, 2010 DUI of the Day Matt’s dentist wanted to know why he chose CarAficionado24 as his YouTube handle. Once the anesthesia kicked in, the reason became rather apparent.
Published January 31, 2011 RIP Society of the Day Your mom and dad are wrong: College isn’t worth it. UPDATE: This is for an Honors — HONORS! — Intro to Fiction course […]
Published May 29, 2011 Look At This Dog-Paddling Dog of the Day Says YouTuber Season1255: “We held our puppy in front of our air conditioner and he started trying to swim.” inb4 what’s actually happening.