Blog Videos Early Bird Special by|Published September 26, 2011 Mondays suck — so here’s slo-mo footage of a guy getting hit in the face with a water balloon that doesn’t explode.
Published May 26, 2011 OMG! Adorbz of the Day Little Miles panics a bit after losing his brand new camera during a sled ride. Awwwwlarity ensues.
Published November 5, 2010 Animated GIF of the Day Cyriak hand-delivers his latest masterpiece. Video version here.
Published January 29, 2015 Apology of the Day: Comcast Sorry for Changing Subscriber’s Name to A-Hole Here’s yet another reason to join the cord-cutting revolution. A man in Spokane, Washington was surprised to find out that Comcast had […]
Published June 28, 2011 Early Bird Special Jay the Yellow-Eyed Penguin takes his first few steps on his damaged foot.