Blog Videos Police Hilarity of the Day by|Published September 7, 2011 Hilarious police reports.
Published October 24, 2011 Rubik’s Cube Juggler of the Day Rubik’s Cube master David Calvo is known for solving cubes blindfolded and simultaneously solving one in each hand. For his latest trick, […]
Published July 31, 2011 Simpsons Did It of the Day Earlier today, J. C. Penney was making money off a long-sleeve shirt marketed to girls aged 7 to 16, which proudly announced […]
Published August 17, 2011 The Truth Is Behind There of the Day Is that an alien spacecraft zipping across the sky behind Labour MP Tom Watson? Of course it is, what else could it […]
Published October 25, 2011 What’s In A Wes of the Day Ross Everett, Dave Gullman, Frank Muniz, and Will Goldstein imagine what it might look like if the Wes behind Screamwas Anderson rather than Craven.