Blog Videos Earworm of the (Fri)Day by|Published June 3, 2011 Tonje Langeteig — Norway’s answer to Rebecca Black (who the hell asked?) — doesn’t want to be a crappy housewife, but she’s more than okay with being a crappy everything else.
Published February 4, 2011 DIY of the Day Redditor ozzzzzz22 crocheted himself a Viking Beard Hat. And it’s awesome. Once they have been written, step-by-step instructions will be posted here.
Published November 25, 2011 One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others of the Day Hint: It’s the one with the cover story about how it’s completely okay, if not beneficial, to feel unease about future uncertainties, […]
Published August 8, 2011 Nut Shot of the Day A man in Chandler, Arizona, accidentally shot off his own manhood with his girlfriend’s pink pistol. A local news outfit hit the […]
Published August 22, 2010 Geeky Gag of the Day “Inception explained for Mac users.” The pinwheel wouldn’t stop spinning so I Force Quit myself awake.